Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stealing Vs. Inspiring


 [steel]  Show IPA ,verb,stole, sto·len, steal·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
to take (the property of another or others) withoutpermission or right, especially secretly or by force:


 [in-spuh-rey-shuhn]  Show IPA
something inspired, as an idea.


One of Beyonce Lastest Videos "Countdown" vs. Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, \

Beyonce Performance at the billboard awards VS.Timi Papp

Before and after Beyonce did her performance at the Billboard awards, when asked about her performance Beyonce never mentioned her performance of being inspired by Timi. I mean if someone ask you about your performance before performing and you wanted to give them a little something about what your going to do, wouldn't one say something along the lines "I don't want to give to much, I want it to be a surprise, but all I can say is, I was inspired by Timi". Now that would show some kind of credit where credit is due. Instead Beyonce never mentioned Timi and did her performance as if it was her".

We also can look at Beyonces  hit single "Single ladies". In the video below you clearly see three old ladies, dancing in sync with each other. You notice by the clarity of the video, the style of clothing, and hairstyles that you will see the video is from the 1960s-1970s. The video is actually choreography from a Broadway play by the famous Bob Fosse. After it switches to Beyonce, doing the same exact moves, with nothing different in the dance routine. 

Broadway choreographer Bob Fosse


Beyonce - Single Ladies 

Dont get me wrong, there is good out of this. I mean it did spread like wild fire that the choreography wasn't from Beyonce, and was in fact by Bob. So it does give Bob some light, for people to do history and find out who he is, since he is not part of our generation anymore. It helps sheds light to him. After the "Single Ladies" video, EVERYONE was doing the dance moves, fro, Saturday Night Live, to people uploading themselves doing it at home.  When going to the Beyonce concert back in 09' she had a little segment before she performed with different people doing it in their living room/ rooms etc. 

This will always be my favorite single ladies video though 

You be the judge? Is Beyonce really inspired by these dance routines that have once been done? Or is she STEALING dance routines from past dancers, hoping no one will find out? You be the judge!

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