Sunday, October 16, 2011

Concert TOURS!

Another way that an artist promotes their album is by going on a US / Worldwide tour. This can be either a success or fail. Tours are not cheap now a days, and savings rates have increased, while spending has decreased. Ticket prices can range from $60-$1,000. Since it is pricey, people will want to get their monies worth, and are expecting to see a SHOW! A show meaning it includes satisfying dance routines,  and live singing (at some point). For example we will look at Britney Spears latest tour

"The Femme Fatale Tour"

In March 2011, Britney Spears had annoucned that she would be going on tour in the summer of 2011 for her "Femme Fatale" album. Before her annoucnment, she had debuted her video "Hold It Agisnt Me" (February). After the release fans continued to speculate if Britney Spears could still dance. Towards the end of the "Hold It Against Me"video 3:59 (SHOWN BELOW ), there is a break down in the song, there you see Stiffney Spears as stiff as the Tin Man from The Wized of Oz. Implementing hand gestures as if she was speaking sign language, and flipping her hair to make her "dancing " look more extreme. 


Talks about Britney Spears and her "dancing" were already in blogs before her "Hold It Against Me" video". But Britneys tour was coming, and keep in mind it is known that Stifney Spears lip-syncs to her songs while performing. In the end of May 2011 right before her tour Stifney Spears had a way to redeem herself from the lack of her dancing. Stiftney had performed twice at the Billboard Music Awards with Rihanna, and Nicki Minaj. But again, during Spears performance with Rihanna, she was still stiff, and lip-syncing when not doing any hard choreography. Later in the evening Spears performed once again with Nicki Minaj. Stifney came out prancing around stage and shaking her blonde extensions once again. 

Rihanna ft. Britney Spears- S&M Remix (Billboard 2011 Performance) 


Britney Spears Ft. Nicki Minaj - Till The World Ends (Billboard 2011 Performance)


So why am I bringing all this up? These performances (videos) demonstrate the lack of talent from Stiffney Spears. Not only did I notice the lack of talent in performances but so did her other fans. Her "Femme Fatale" tour struggled in sales. It struggled so much that tickets were sold at a discounted price on groupoun. Im not saying these performances are the REASON that tickets ended up on groupon, but it is a factor. PEOPLE  pay to see TALENT!  For Stiffney Spears tour she might as well have walked out to the middle of the stage, take a seat, and play a boombox with her Femme Fatale setlist, and enjoy it with the audience. (Britney did sing live a couple times during her Femme Fatale setlist)

If only Godney Spears was on top of her performances again bringing in those numbers and ticket sales!


1 comment:

  1. This post is very interesting because you can see the down fall of Britney Spears. I knew that she was going down hill with respect to her mental stability, but I never thought that her dance moves would fall short. That is her selling point. Obviously, her singing is lip synched and her main selling point was she is a performer. Now that her performance is lacking (aka Stifney Spears), I am really curious as to what will happen to her. She is probably going to be replaced by the "true" performers. Performers who are singing, writing, and breaking boundaries. Good post! It was great to read about someone I used to look up to as a kid, I am glad I grew past that stage.
