Saturday, November 19, 2011

Billboard NEW Policy

Billboard has announced a new introduction to a new policy which will make scoring #1 albums all the more difficult for artists who feel they can ‘cheat’ their way to the top.

Effective November 21st 2011, any albums priced below $3.49 during their month of release will be refused entry onto the Billboard 200.

In an official statement released by the company it stated:

"Free or almost-free albums don’t represent a marketplace". 

Now lets look at Lady Gagas album "Born This Way". In May of this year, GaGa’s third album ‘Born This Way’ debuted with sales of 1,108,000 butonly because 440,000 copies had been sold by Amazon for an astounding $.099. Had the project been released after the new  policy, it still would have been #1 week but would have sold 664,000 as opposed to 1 million copies.

uh huh, you see that Lady Gaga! You cant cheat now. Lady Gaga was one of the people who was selling her album "Born This Way" album for 99 cents. Now I wanna give Lady Gaga or whoever had the brillant idea to sell her album that cheap. Cause I mean Lady Gags Second album "THE FAME MOSTER" blew up in sales ! Everything GAGAZILLA touched turned into platinum! But however her 3rd album "Born This Way" was all HYPEDD before her release. THis album is drastically different, and a whole different vibe, and isnt as successful as her first. But shoot that dont matter why? Because her album was all hyped up, before the release date, she sold her album at 99 cent, and guess what? She still has one of the biggest selling albums of 2011! Nothing can change that, well now it can! But I think Billboards new policy is the right way to go. Cause if they didnt change their policy, then ANYONE who is successful at the beginning of their career can pull the same stunt like Lady Gaga and hype the album up and be at number one.

BTW (By The Way)

I think this album cover is UGLY, are you serious? Oh yeah, maybe GAGA made such an outrageous cover for more sales. hmph I wouldn't be suprised. The Gaga tends to do a little to much EXTRA. 

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