Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Curtis Ross Post "Maybe music isn't selling because it's no good"

When doing research i found an article by Curtis Ross. The title caught my eye "Maybe music isnt selling because its no good". In the article Ross speaks basically speaks about music in the last ten years aren't selling because MUSIC in general just isnt good. He brings up the fact that artist such as Taylor Swift and Lil Wayne are able to sell, because they have "Good Music". I completely agree that if the music is good then of course it will sell. Ross states "people will always pay for amazing, good product and the music industry just isn't bringing it at the moment." I completely agree with Ross. If there is an artist that I like, and that makes good music which isnt full of autotune, and computerized beats, then of course I would want to add it to my collection, and support the artist. Songs like "Teach Me how To Dougie" are songs that I would just download for free. Douging on the dance floor is only a fad that wont last long. Whereas songs that have in depth lyrics, last a lifetime. Who wouldn't want to listen to music from the Motown catalog? 

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