Thursday, November 24, 2011

RIP to the Compact Disc 1982-2012?

Could this be true? No more Compact Discs? Music now only going straight digital!!! Is this a smart decision? WHAT!!!! Well according to blog sites and the Website (Side Line; Music Magazine) this could be happeneing. The article from sideline states that the major record labels such as Universal, EMI, and Sony will be abandoning the compact disc. Instead artist singles and albums will be going straight digital via Itunes. 

Now I personally think this is dumb. Tina Turner is like seventy years old. My grandma is about sixty years old. So you know my grandma is a fan of Tina Turner. What if Tina Turner comes out in 2013 with a hot new single? My grandma is gonna want to buy her single/CD. BUT,  My grandma has NO intention on learning how to use a computer, or how to use an MP3 player. She's not interested in NONE of that technical stuff. So as you can see it would be a LOST sale because if anything she will tell me to burn the cd for her, since there is no physical CD to buy. So an Artist will lose a sale, and because of that the record company will suffer. And you should know, the record company is the backbone of the Artist. Im pretty sure there are a lot of Grandmas and Grandpas out there like my Grandma, who are old school and don't have any interest in learning stuff when it comes to the computer. Shoot even some of our parents are in the same boat. 

What I do think should happen is that Record companies should cut down on the number of CDs that they make. Instead of completely disbanning the compact disc in all. I mean records will still sell. Grandmas and Grandpas will be able to go out and buy that new Tina Turner, or Earth Wind and Fire disc (if they ever come out with new music), and the obsessed fans will be happy buying both standard and deluxe edition of their favorite albums. and will all live happily ever after =)

1 comment:

  1. wow, that kinda sucks. I like having CD's because I can collect them. I cant collect digital downloads. The CD's and the album covers are part of that experience you get when you buy it. If they take that away, its like taking away vinyl for people who enjoy that classic sounds that you can't get from CD's. Its that experience people get when they pay for something besides the music.
